I am trying to pass back a string from a Java method called from C++. I am not able to find out what JNI function should I call to access the method and be returned a jstrin
You should have
cls = env->FindClass("ClassifierWrapper");
Then you need to invoke the constructor to get a new object:
jmethodID classifierConstructor = env->GetMethodID(cls,"", "()V");
if (classifierConstructor == NULL) {
return NULL; /* exception thrown */
jobject classifierObj = env->NewObject( cls, classifierConstructor);
You are getting static method (even though the method name is wrong). But you need to get the instance method since getString() is not static.
jmethodID getStringMethod = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
Now invoke the method:
rv = env->CallObjectMethod(classifierObj, getStringMethod, 0);
const char *strReturn = env->GetStringUTFChars(env, rv, 0);