I am learning how to add in-app purchase receipt validation to my iOS/OSX projects.
There is a nice overview here and the WWDC14 has good videos on this topic.
There is no OpenSSL module built in. You have to compile it yourself - this is for security so that everyone doesn't implement the exact same security.
Take a look at : https://gist.github.com/foozmeat/5154962 http://www.cvursache.com/2013/08/13/How-To-Build-openssl-For-iOS/
There is a also a cocoapods at http://cocoapods.org/?q=openssl
You should never use a static module provided by someone else. Always build your own.
Apples official explanation here - under OpenSSl - https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Security/Conceptual/cryptoservices/GeneralPurposeCrypto/GeneralPurposeCrypto.html