So I\'m trying to get rid of my std::vector\'s by using boost::ptr_vector. Now I\'m trying to remove an element from one, and have the removed element deleted as well. The m
Well you can do that with a std::vector either.
In both cases erase takes an iterator as a parameter.
So before you can erase something from a vector (or a ptr_vector) you need to locate it.
Also note that the ptr_vector treats its content as if you have stored an object not a pointer. So any searching is done via the object.
So basically
std::vector x;
std::ptr_vector y;
// These two object should behave in exactly the same way.
// The ONLY difference is inserting values which for y are pointers.
// Y take ownership of the pointer and all subsequent acesses to the
// members of y look like they are objects
class A
{ int m;
A(int x):m(x) {}
bool operator==(A const& rhs) {return m = rhs.m;}
int main()
boost::ptr_vector x;
x.push_back(new A(1));
std::vector y;
// To find an exact pointer don't modify the equality.
// Use find_if and pass a predicate that tests for a pointer
A* a = new A(3);
boost:ptr_Vector z;
struct CheckPointerValue
CheckPointerValue(A* a):anA(a) {}
bool operator()(A const& x) { return &X == anA;}
A* anA;