Is there a way to generate BPEL programmatically in Java?
I tried using the BPEL Eclipse Designer API to write this code:
Process process = null;
I had exactly the same problem with the BPELUnit [1], so I started a module in BPELUnit that has the first things necessary for generating and reading BPEL Models [2] although it is far from complete. Supported is only BPEL 2.0 (1.1 will follow later) and handlers are also currently not supported (but will be added). It is under active development because BPELUnit's code coverage component will be based on it so it will get BPEL-feature complete over time. You are happily invited to contribute if you need to close gaps earlier.
You can check it out from GitHub or grap the Maven artifact.
As of now there is no documentation but you can have a look at the JUnit tests that read and write processes.
If this is not suitable for, I'd like to share some experiences with you:
Do not use JAXB: You will need to read and write XML Namespaces which are not preserved with JAXB. That's why I have chosen XMLBeans. DOM would be the other alternative that I can think of.
The inheritance in the XML Schema is not really developer friendly. That's why there are own interface structures and wrappers around the XMLBeans generated classes.