I am trying to create a Windows-based VC++ DLL (in VS 2015) that statically links to the Casablanca CPPREST SDK. That is, I would like a single DLL output which contains th
One more addition to the Simple Guy's answer:
If you use http_listener
class in your project it is likely you will need Httpapi.lib
to fix linker errors.
And also I want to propose an easier way to compile a static cpprestdk library. I've successfully used it to build my project in VS2017.
Compile cpprestsdk using following commands:
Step 1. vcpkg install cpprestsdk:x86-windows-static
Step 2. vcpkg install cpprestsdk:x64-windows-static
Follow the second part of Simple Guy's answer starting from your project settings. Additionally, use my advice from above and BobC to fix linker errors.