incorporating leppies feedback it compiles - but IMO some drawbacks I want each sub class to be forced by the compiler to define their own Uri property. Code as it is now:>
Here is a way to do it:
type IUriProvider =
abstract member UriString: string
abstract member Uri : System.Uri
type UriUserControl() as this =
inherit System.Windows.Controls.UserControl()
abstract member Uri : System.Uri
abstract member UriString : string
interface IUriProvider with
member x.Uri = this.Uri
member x.UriString = this.UriString
Note that you have to provide an implementation of the interface (since all interface implementations in F# are explicit), but this can just refer back to abstract members in the class. Then you can subclass thusly:
type ConcreteUriUserControl() =
inherit UriUserControl()
override this.Uri = null
override this.UriString = "foo"