i want to show only two decimal places in my edit text, ofc i wanna show currency in edit text but limiting its value to 2 digits after decimal.
I have seen some sol
mBinding.etPriceUpdate.setText = getString(R.string.txt_rupees) + " " + "%.2f".format(firstNum!!.toDouble() * secondNum.toDouble())
₹ 4567.54
This will format the floating-point number 1.23456 up to 2 decimal places because we have used two after the decimal point in formatting instruction %.2f, f is for floating-point number, which includes both double and float data type in Java. Don't try to use "d" for double here, because that is used to format integer and stands for decimal in formatting instruction. By the way, there is a catch here, format() method will also arbitrarily round the number. For example, if you want to format 1.99999 up-to 2 decimal places then it will return 2.0 rather then 1.99, as shown below.