I try to do static class, add to icollection but i got some issues i cant seem to overcome. that is how i get so i can pass a ICollection in the method? cause T is that say
The other ways seem to assume that your ICollection is empty and/or your ICollection is a type of List. However, if you want AddRange, then you can Extend the ICollection class as follows:
public static void AddRange(this ICollection ic, IEnumerable ie)
foreach (T obj in ie)
Note, however, that since List impliments ICollection, this may cause ambiguity when dealing directly with List objects (though I haven't tested yet if the compiler will be able to resolve it--my gut reaction is that it should, though, since AddRange is a member of List and the compiler will go through member functions first before looking at extensions, but if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me).