Is it possible to use std::next_permutation() to permutate the elements of a vector of a class i created?
How does the comparison parameter in next_permutation() wor
Yes, the simplest way is to override operator< within your class in which case you don't need to worry about comp.
The comp parameter is a function pointer which takes two iterators to the vector and returns true or false depending on how you'd want them ordered.
Edit: Untested but for what it's worth:
class myclass
myclass() : m_a( 0 ){}
void operator = ( int a ) { m_a = a; }
friend bool operator<( const myclass& lhs, const myclass& rhs ) { return lhs.m_a < rhs.m_a; }
int m_a;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
myclass c;
std::vector vec;
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
c = i;
vec.push_back( c );
//these two should perform the same given the same input vector
std::next_permutation( vec.begin(), vec.end() );
std::next_permutation( vec.begin(), vec.end(), &operator< );
return 0;