I am trying to switch the first character in a string and move it to the end of the string. It needs to repeat the rotation a number of n times.
For example, rotateLef
You can shorten it to
def rotate(strg,n):
return strg[n:] + strg[:n]
and simply use negative indices to rotate "to the right":
>>> rotate("hello", 2)
>>> rotate("hello", -1)
>>> rotate("hello", 1)
>>> rotate("hello", 4)
>>> rotate("hello", -3)
>>> rotate("hello", 6) # same with -6: no change if n > len(strg)
If you want to keep rotating even after exceeding the length of the string, use
def rotate(strg,n):
n = n % len(strg)
return strg[n:] + strg[:n]
so you get
>>> rotate("hello", 1)
>>> rotate("hello", 6)