Here is an example of a variadic function in Obj C.
// This method takes an object and a variable number of args
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The Objective-C way to implement variadic args is the same as in standard C. So you can pass in non-Objective-C object arguments.
Personally I'd use the first non-hidden arg to pass in the length of the following variadic list (for non-Objective-C objects - otherwise I'd use nil-termination)
- (void)appendIntegers:(NSInteger)count, ...
va_list arguments;
//the start of our variadic arguments is after the mandatory first argument
va_start(arguments, count);
for(NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; ++i)
//to add the non-object type variadic arg, wrap it in a NSNumber object
[list addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:va_arg(arguments, NSInteger)]];
NSLog(@"%@", list);
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
list = [NSMutableArray array];
[self appendIntegers:3 /* count */, 1, 2, 3];