Hi I have a Start Date and End Date per record in a db.
I need to check to see where the time period falls in a 2 year period broken into two lots of quarters then d
You may have to take a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/03ybds8y(v=VS.100).aspx
This may start you up
FindQuarter(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) // 01-10-09, 01-06-10
startDateQuarter = GetQuarter(startDate.Month); // 2
endDateQuarter = GetQuarter(endDate.Month); // 1
endDateQuarter += (endDate.Year - startDate.Year) * 4; // 5
// fill up startDateQuarter to endDateQuarter into a list
// and return it // 2,3,4,5
GetQuarter(int month) // 6
int quarter;
// check the month value and accordingly assign one of the basic quarters
// using if-else construct ie, if(month>=6 && month<=8){ quarter = 1 };
return quarter; // 1
Instead of GetQuarter() method, you can also use a dictionary to store your month to quarter mappings
Dictionary quarter = new Dictionary();
quarter.Add(1,1); //of the format Add(month,quarter)
Now instead of GetQuarter(someDate.Month);
you can use quarter[someDate.Month];