How can i calculate day number from a unix-timestamp, in a mathematical way and without using any functions and in simple math formula.
1313905026 --> 8 (Today 08/21
t = unix time
second = t MOD 60
minute = INT(t / 60) MOD 60
hour = INT(t / 60 / 60) MOD 24
days = INT(t / 60 / 60 / 24)
years = INT(days / 365.25)
year = 1970 + years + 1
1970 started with a Thursday so, we can calculate the day of the week:
weekday = (days + 4) MOD 7
If Sunday is day 0. If you want Sunday to be day 1 just add 1.
Now, let's find out how many days we are into the year in question.
days = days - years * 365 - leapdays
Finally, we find the month and day of the month.
IF year MOD 4 = 0 THEN ly = 1 ELSE ly = 0
WHILE month <= 12
month = month + 1
IF month = 2 THEN
DaysInMonth = 28 + NOT(year MOD 4) + NOT(year MOD 100)
+ NOT(year MOD 400)
DaysInMonth = 30 + (month + (month < 7)) MOD 2
IF days > DaysInMonth THEN days = days - DaysInMonth
This assumes Boolean values of TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0, NOT TRUE = 0, and NOT FALSE = 1.
Now we have the year, month, day of the month, hour, minute, and second calculated with adjustments for leap years.