I\'ve had an app doing prefix searches for a while. Recently the index size was increased and it turned out that some prefixes were too darned numerous for lucene to handle.
The API reference page of TooManyClauses shows that PrefixQuery, FuzzyQuery, WildcardQuery, and RangeQuery are expanded this way (into BooleanQuery). Since it is in the API reference, it should be a behavior that users can rely on. Lucene does not place arbitrary limits on the number of hits (other than a document ID being an int) so a "too many hits" exception might not make sense. Perhaps PrefixQuery.rewrite(IndexReader) should catch the TooManyClauses and throw a "too many prefixes" exception, but right now it does not behave that way.
By the way, another way to search by prefix is to use PrefixFilter. Either filter your query with it or wrap the filter with a ConstantScoreQuery.