I want to compress video file before uploading to server.I gone through this link How to compress a video to maximum level android, but i did not get an answer. Can anyone
We can compress video using ffmpeg in android.
For integrating FFmpeg in android we can use precompiled libraries like ffmpeg-android.
You can use below command to compress video
String[] command = {"-y", "-i", inputFileAbsolutePath, "-s", "160x120", "-r", "25", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-b:v", "150k", "-b:a", "48000", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "22050", outputFileAbsolutePath};
Overwrite output files without asking.
ffmpeg reads from an arbitrary number of input “files” specified by the -i option
video output size
Set frame rate
Set the video codec.
Set the video bitrate
Set the audio bitrate
Set the number of audio channels.
sets the sampling rate for audio streams if encoded
For detailed explanation and code on using ffmpeg in android to edit videos,check out below ffmpeg video editor tutorial link on my blog which includes compressing video using ffmpeg-