I have installed xampp in fedora 13.I am trying to communicate with microcontroller through serial port using php serial class. My code is example.php
I did this once with Debian to control an Arduino board with a PHP script and initially ran into the same problem.
In Debian, you need to add the Apache user to the dialout group in order to allow it to make serial connection requests. I would assume the same is true for Fedora.
In Debian the command is:
useradd -G dialout www-data
However I believe Fedora names the Apache user as apache instead. I don't have a Fedora machine to test on, but I would assume the command you need to run is:
useradd -G dialout apache
You will then need to restart your xampp server.
See the following for reference:
http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Administration_Guide_Draft/Apache#Apache_File_Security