Using flexbox to control the layout of a table works in webkit browsers but in Firefox, Demonstrat
That's because, according to CSS tables, anonymous table objects should be generated when tabular elements are not children of a table: According to the Flexbox Last Call Working Draft, it was that anonymous table what became the flex item, not the table cells: Some values of display trigger the creation of anonymous boxes
around the original box. It’s the outermost box—the direct child of
the flex container box—that becomes a flex item. For
example, given two contiguous child elements with display: table-cell, the anonymous table wrapper box generated around
them [CSS21] becomes the flex item. Since the table cells were not flex items, they ignored the However, Chrome disagreed with the spec and decided to blockify the table cells instead. Then the CSS working group decided to standardize Chrome's behavior: If you have a flex container and you put two table cells in it, they
won't become flex items independently. They'll wrap in an anonymous
table and that will be flex. However, Chrome had implemented it so that each item is independently
a flex item. [...] So it turns the table cells into blocks. I've seen at least one presentation at a conference where they took
advantage of this to create fallback behavior for a flex. [...] If you're
not trying to trigger fallback, I don't know why you'd put a bunch of
table cells in flex and get it wrapped in anonymous stuff. [...] RESOLVED: Just blockify the children of flex and grid containers.
Don't do anonymous box fix-up The first Flexbox Candidate Recommendation was published with that new resolution: Some values of display normally trigger the creation of
anonymous boxes around the original box. If such a box is a flex
item, it is blockified first, and so anonymous box creation will
not happen. For example, two contiguous flex items with
display: table-cell will become two separate display: block flex items, instead of being wrapped into a single
anonymous table. And then Firefox implemented the new behavior starting at version 47 (bug 1185140). For older versions, you can style the cells as blocks manually:s only render as wide as their own content.
property. It would apply to the anonymous table, but CSS selectors can't select anonymous elements.
.flex-container > td {
display: block;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid #ffffd;
width: 100%;
tbody {
background: #fff;
tr {
display: flex;
td {
display: block;
td:first-child {
flex: 1 1 80%;
background: mistyrose;
flex: 0 0 10%;
background: Aquamarine;
flex: 0 0 10%;
background: pink;
Turd Ferguson
Hingle McKringleberry