I have a *ngFor loop and want to calculate a value - with 2 decimal places.
The calculation works:
One can use angular built-in pipe such as number
{{value | number:'1.0-0'}}
If one wants to have an implementation of it:
@Pipe({name: 'round'})
export class RoundPipe {
transform (input:number) {
return Math.floor(input);
Use in the template
{{1,1 | round}} => 1
{{2,1 | round}} => 2
Another useful pipe is a round ten :
@Pipe({name: 'roundTen'})
export class RoundTenPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: number): number {
return Math.round(value / 10) * 10;
Use in the template
{{11 | roundTen}} => 10
{{21 | roundTen}} => 20