I can get the standard certificate information for an SSL connection in Python 3.3 via the getpeercert() method on the SSL socket. However, it doesn\'t seem to provide the c
The answer above did not work out of the box.
After going through many options, I found this to be the simplest approach which requires minimum 3rd party libraries.
pip install pyopenssl certifi
import socket
from OpenSSL import SSL
import certifi
hostname = 'www.google.com'
port = 443
context = SSL.Context(method=SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
conn = SSL.Connection(context, socket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
conn.connect((hostname, port))
for (idx, cert) in enumerate(conn.get_peer_cert_chain()):
print(f'{idx} subject: {cert.get_subject()}')
print(f' issuer: {cert.get_issuer()})')
print(f' fingerprint: {cert.digest("sha1")}')
Here is a link to the original idea https://gist.github.com/brandond/f3d28734a40c49833176207b17a44786
Here is a reference which brought me here How to get response SSL certificate from requests in python?