I am studying java, and I remember reading somewhere that java objects, had some overhead inside the JVM, which was used for administration reasons by the virtual machine. S
Here is a snippet for object header, object overhead, array header, object reference. Hope it helps someone, if not the OP as it is a quite old question.
private static int OBJ_HEADER;
private static int ARR_HEADER;
private static int INT_FIELDS = 12;
private static int OBJ_REF;
private static int OBJ_OVERHEAD;
private static boolean IS_64_BIT_JVM;
static {
String arch = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model");
IS_64_BIT_JVM = (arch == null) || arch.contains("32");
OBJ_HEADER = IS_64_BIT_JVM ? 16 : 8;
ARR_HEADER = IS_64_BIT_JVM ? 24 : 12;
OBJ_REF = IS_64_BIT_JVM ? 8 : 4;
I should say that I know only the solution, but I haven't yet figured out why this works. This is why people should leave comments in their code... Oh, well, when I do figure it out, I will share the logic behind it.