I\'m having issue try to configure supervisor to run a php script. Running supervisor in debug mode gives me this:
2015-03-09 08:53:06,342 INFO supervisord s
The only way I could reproduce this behaviour with exit code 1 is to use a invalid path to the file. So first please double check if the path is correct. But I think you have done this before.
I more assume that the file is located under your home directory and the root user is not able access and run it. So I would try to change the location of the script.
For testing, you can place your script under /tmp/myScript.php
cp /home/path/to/script/myScript.php /tmp/myScript.php
and modify your supervisord config like this:
command=php myScript.php
Now supervisored should be able to run your script.
If this is working, you should check which folder prevent root from accessing the script. This could be caused by an encypted (and mounted) folder (home dir?), or if the location is mounted from else where (samba, nfs ...). To solve the issue you can try to change the user from root to your user (I would not recommend this) or change the project location to another folder, which is not located under your home dir.