Im trying configure the docker daemon so i can connect to it from inside the docker containers i start..
So i changed /etc/docker/daemon.json to
You can start your containers mounting the host docker socket into your containers.
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
With this setup, Docker clients inside the containers will be using the Docker daemon from the host. Your containers will be able to build, run, push etc. using daemon running in host. Please note that with these setup everything is happening on the host, so if you start new containers they will be “sibling” containers.
If you are using the bridge network, you can connect to any service running on host machine using host IP address.
For example, I have mysqld running on my host with IP and from a container I can do
mysql -u user -p -h
The trick is to find out the host IP address from containers.
In Docker for Mac (I am running version 17.07.0) is as simple as connecting to the special host "docker.for.mac.localhost"
Another option is to add an alias IP to your loopback interface
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
And then when running containers add a host for this alias IP
docker run --rm -ti --add-host host-machine: mysql:5.7 bash
With this setup, inside container you should be able to do
mysql -u user -p -h host-machine