I\'m building a project using React, Apollo and Next.js. I\'m trying to update react-apollo to 3.1.3 and I\'m now getting the following error when viewing the site.
I've had a mixture of solutions, i think it does boil down to how you initially go about setting up all the related packages. "Some packages don't work well with others when it comes to connecting the client to Reacts Context.Provider"
I've had two go two fixes that seem to work well (With new projects and updating old):
1: Uninstall "@apollo/react-hooks"
2: import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client"; instead of import { ApolloProvider } from "react-apollo"; (This allowed me to keep the "@apollo/react-hooks" package without conflicts)
3: Double-check that the server that is serving HttpLink client URI is up and running for the client to connect (This give a different error then the one were talking about but is still good to know in this situation)
Conclusion: It can be a slight bit of trial and error, but try to use the matching/pairing packages