I implemented ASP.NET Identity and it automatically created ASPNETDB.MDF and aspnetdb_log.ldf in my App_Data folder. I already have the AspNet tables (i.e., AspNetRoles, Asp
I was getting exactly the same problem. I discovered that VS annoyingly pulls in config settings from machine.config, which lives outside of the project, in my case in...
Identity 2.0 had used the following connection string inside machine.config...
to set up a connection for...
.. (which was also set in machine.config). If you haven't been using Membership then it's fine to do as Lord nick suggests (except just the clear/ will do the job) and simply do the following in web.config...
However, if you, like me, previously had Membership running (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6e9y4s5t(v=vs.100).aspx), you will need to comment out or delete the following sections from machine.config...
... since all this stuff is no longer needed for AspNet Identity 2.
I also had to add the following into in my web.config:
... as per this answer: Default Role Provider could not be found on IIS 7 running .NET 4
I hope I've saved someone some time. This took me hours and hours to work out.