I\'m having trouble generating a timestamp in a Windows batch file, because I get diferent date formats on different Windows versions.
My machine:
Check out doff.exe. I use this a lot for getting timestamps for naming log files. From its web site:
DOFF prints a formatted date and time, with an optional date offset, (e.g -1 prints yesterday's date, +1 prints tomorrow's date). To view all the options available, execute "doff -h". I typically use this utility for renaming log files so that they include a timestamp, (see the third example below). This code should compile under Unix/Linux, as well as DOS.
Sample commands:
With no parameters the output is the current date/time in the following format: yyyymmddhhmiss
C:\>doff mm/dd/yyyy
In the above example a date format specification is given.
@echo off
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%a in ('doff mm/dd/yyyy -1') do (
set mm=%%a
set dd=%%b
set yyyy=%%c)
rename httpd-access.log httpd-access-%yyyy%%mm%%dd%.log
The sample batch file above shows a neat way to rename a log file based on yesterday's date. The "for" command executes doff to print yesterday's date, (the "-1" parameter specifies yesterday), then extracts each component of the date into DOS batch file variables. The "rename" command renames "httpd-access.log" to "httpd-access-[yesterday's date].log"
Also check out Microsoft's now.exe, available in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools. One bad thing I found out (the hard way) about it is it sets the ERRORLEVEL to the number of characters printed.
Looks like this:
Thu May 19 14:26:45 2011
NOW : Display Message with Current Date and Time
Usage : NOW [message to be printed with time-stamp]
NOW displays the current time, followed by its command-line arguments.
NOW is similar to the standard ECHO command, but with a time-stamp.