I want to use the express static server configuration for implementing an static server:
app.configure(function() {
app.use(express.static(__dirname + \'
Depending on how many directories you're planning to map this way, you could simply make symlinks for those directories in your public
In Windows:
mklink /D c:\dirA\dirB public\url1
In Linux or OSX:
ln -s /dirA/dirB public/url1
Then your static assets server should serve from those directories transparently (I've never tested on Windows but I don't see why it wouldn't work).
Alternatively, if you wanted to include some kind of dynamic routing, you could write your own middleware to replace express.static
which is actually connect.static
under the hood. Take a look at static.js in the connect source and see how it's implemented, it should be fairly straightforward to write your own variation.