It would be nice to have an equivalent of R\'s signif function in Ruby.
For example:
>> (11.11).signif(1)
>> (22.22).signif(2)
You are probably looking for Ruby's Decimal.
You could then write:
require 'decimal/shortcut'
num = 1.23541764
D.context.precision = 2
num_with_2_significant_digits = +D(num.to_s) # => Decimal('1.2')
num_with_2_significant_digits.to_f # => 1.2000000000000002
Or if you prefer to use the same syntax add this as a function to class Float like this:
class Float
def signif num_digits
require 'decimal/shortcut'
D.context.precision = num_digits
Usage would then be the same, i.e.
(1.23333).signif 3
# => 1.23
To use it, install the gem
gem install ruby-decimal