Given a structure like this:
\"nameOfObject\": { \"score\": 100 },
\"anotherObject\": { \"score\": 30 }
Is it possible to map this
Alternative solution, where the key name
is set on the value object by using a custom Deserializer:
public void test() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Data data = mapper.readValue("{\"users\": {\"John\": {\"id\": 20}, \"Pete\": {\"id\": 30}}}", Data.class);
assertEquals(20, data.users.get("John").id);
assertEquals(30, data.users.get("Pete").id);
assertEquals("John", data.users.get("John").name);
assertEquals("Pete", data.users.get("Pete").name);
public static class Data {
@JsonDeserialize(contentUsing = Deser.class)
public Map users;
public static class User {
public String name;
public int id;
public static class Deser extends JsonDeserializer {
public User deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
String name = ctxt.getParser().getCurrentName();
User user = p.readValueAs(User.class); = name; // This copies the key name to the value object
return user;