I wrote code to extract the date from a given string. Given
> \"Date: 2012-07-29, 12:59AM PDT\"
it extracts
> \"
As (pretty much) always, you've got multiple options here. Though none of them really frees you from getting used to some basic regular expression syntax (or its close friends).
raw_date <- "Date: 2012-07-29, 12:59AM PDT"
> gsub(",", "", unlist(strsplit(raw_date, split=" "))[2])
[1] "2012-07-29"
> temp <- gsub(".*: (?=\\d?)", "", raw_date, perl=TRUE)
> out <- gsub("(?<=\\d),.*", "", temp, perl=TRUE)
> out
[1] "2012-07-29"
> require("stringr")
> str_extract(raw_date, "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}")
[1] "2012-07-29"