I\'m new to javascript and am trying to validate through JSLint. Where should I put \"use strict\" to use it globally and validate?
This gives me error \"Unexpecte
'use strict' is typically used at the start of functions. For your code, I would just wrap it all in an IIFE, which would make 'use strict' valid
(function() {
"use strict";
console.log('doing js in head-section');
function helloWorld() {
console.log('called function helloWorld()');
alert('Hello World from a JS function showing an alert!');
function helloMyNumber() {
console.log('called function helloMyNumber()');
var max = 42;
var yourLuckyNumber = prompt('Enter your lucky number (between 1 and '+ max +')');
var myLuckyNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max+1));
var paragraph = document.getElementById('luckynumber');
paragraph.innerHTML = paragraph.innerHTML + ' Your lucky number is: ' + yourLuckyNumber + '. Mine is: ' + myLuckyNumber + '. They ' + (yourLuckyNumber == myLuckyNumber ? 'DID ' : 'did NOT ') + 'match!';
console.log('doing JS in body-section');
document.writeln('Hello World from JS within a body-section in HTML!