This question has been asked and answered many times before. Some examples: [1], [2]. But there doesn\'t seem to be something somewhat more general. What I\'m looking for is
While it's not possible to use a Regular Expression, the following simple code will achieve the desired result:
def split_at(text, delimiter, opens='<([', closes='>)]', quotes='"\''):
result = []
buff = ""
level = 0
is_quoted = False
for char in text:
if char in delimiter and level == 0 and not is_quoted:
buff = ""
buff += char
if char in opens:
level += 1
if char in closes:
level -= 1
if char in quotes:
is_quoted = not is_quoted
if not buff == "":
return result
Running this in the interpreter:
>>> split_at('obj<1, 2, 3>, x(4, 5), "msg, with comma"', ',')
#=>['obj<1, 2, 3>', ' x(4, 5)', ' "msg with comma"']