I have a select with 2 optgroups. Is there a way to call an function only if an option from the first optgroup is selected and call another function if an option from the se
When you click on option you get the Id name of option group.
var obj = {};
$('select[name=queue]').on('change', function () {
obj = {};
var options = $('option:selected', this); //the selected options
$.each(options, function (index, option) {
var optgroupIndex = $(option).closest('optgroup').index() //get the index
var optgroupId = $(option).parent()[0].id //get id
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(optgroupId)) {
} else {
obj[optgroupId] = [$(option).val()];
var textRows = [];
$.each(obj, function(optgroupId, values){
textRows.push(optgroupId +": " + values.join(', '));
select::-webkit-scrollbar {display:none;}
select::-moz-scrollbar {display:none;}
select::-o-scrollbar {display:none;}
select::-google-ms-scrollbar {display:none;}
select::-khtml-scrollbar {display:none;}