using app engine - yes i know all about django templates and other template engines.
Lets say i have a dictionary or a simple object, i dont know its structure and i
Look at my implementation:
def pretty_items(r, d, nametag="%s: ", itemtag='- %s
valuetag="%s", blocktag=('', '
if isinstance(d, dict):
for k, v in d.iteritems():
name = nametag % k
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list):
r.append(itemtag % name)
pretty_items(r, v)
value = valuetag % v
r.append(itemtag % (name + value))
elif isinstance(d, list):
for i in d:
if isinstance(i, dict) or isinstance(i, list):
r.append(itemtag % " - ")
pretty_items(r, i)
r.append(itemtag % i)
Will output all items in HTML format using
and tags. And is also optional to change the tags. And then, just use CSS to handle with the indentation.