I just started working on a new Eclipse Android project and want to make use of classes in the java.awt.geom package. I have OpenJVM 1.6 AND sun 1.6 jdk installed, both from
Android doesn't strictly use the JRE libraries. Some of them are available and some of them aren't, depending on what the Android SDK includes. Android projects are built against the Android SDK, which (as it appears) doesn't have that library.
For the official list of what the Android SDK does include, go to the source: Google, and checkout the "Reference" tab for the specific version of Android you're building against.
This causes some confusion, I know. While much of the Android SDK uses many of the familiar things from the official (or Open) JDK, they're technically not the same.
Also, one of the answers to Why does Android use Java? explains that the source code for Android is Java (in terms of the language syntax, structure, etc.), but when compiled to bytecode, it doesn't use the JDK.