i use the EF5 and don\'t know why a entity has the state \"modified\" after i set the only changed PropertyValue of this entity back to the original value.
Building on User1481065's answer, to overcome the possibility of an exception if any of OriginalValues
is null, try the below. I've assumed a context that may contain more than one entity that may have updates (which may not necessarily be actual changes in value).
_dirty = False
Dim oChanges As IEnumerable(Of DbEntityEntry(Of CsSetting)) = _dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries(Of CsSetting)().Where(Function(r) r.State <> EntityState.Unchanged)
For Each c As DbEntityEntry(Of CsSetting) In oChanges
_dirty = c.OriginalValues.PropertyNames.Any(Function(n) (c.OriginalValues(n) Is Nothing And c.CurrentValues(n) IsNot Nothing) OrElse (c.OriginalValues(n) IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not c.OriginalValues(n).Equals(c.CurrentValues(n))))
If _dirty Then Exit For
Next c
Return _dirty
You may not need the loop and therefore the presetting of _dirty