The title is fairly self-explanatory.
When I save a tuple to a YAML file, I get something that looks like this:
ambient: !!python/tuple [0.3, 0.3 ,0
In pyyaml, the SafeLoader does not include a loader for the python native types, only the types defined in the yaml spec. You can see the types for the SafeLoader
and the Loader
here in the interaction sample below.
You can define a new Loader class that adds in the python tuple, but not other types, so it should still be pretty safe:
import yaml
class PrettySafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader):
def construct_python_tuple(self, node):
return tuple(self.construct_sequence(node))
doc = yaml.dump(tuple("foo bar baaz".split()))
print repr(doc)
thing = yaml.load(doc, Loader=PrettySafeLoader)
print thing
resulting in:
'!!python/tuple [foo, bar, baaz]\n'
('foo', 'bar', 'baaz')
See below for the constructors associated with the SafeLoader and the Loader classes.
>>> yaml.SafeLoader.yaml_constructors
{None: ,
u',2002:binary': ,
u',2002:bool': ,
u',2002:float': ,
u',2002:int': ,
u',2002:map': ,
u',2002:null': ,
u',2002:omap': ,
u',2002:pairs': ,
u',2002:seq': ,
u',2002:set': ,
u',2002:str': ,
u',2002:timestamp': }
>>> yaml.Loader.yaml_constructors
{None: ,
u',2002:binary': ,
u',2002:bool': ,
u',2002:float': ,
u',2002:int': ,
u',2002:map': ,
u',2002:null': ,
u',2002:omap': ,
u',2002:pairs': ,
u',2002:python/bool': ,
u',2002:python/complex': ,
u',2002:python/dict': ,
u',2002:python/float': ,
u',2002:python/int': ,
u',2002:python/list': ,
u',2002:python/long': ,
u',2002:python/none': ,
u',2002:python/str': ,
u',2002:python/tuple': ,
u',2002:python/unicode': ,
u',2002:seq': ,
u',2002:set': ,
u',2002:str': ,
u',2002:timestamp': }