I want to create a wizard control from the pivot control. To achieve this I need to stop the pivot looping. I want to stop the pivot control moving forward from the last ite
I couldn't reply to your comment on Matts answer but I just wanted to point you to this: http://forty3degrees.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/creating-a-swipable-contentcontrol/
It's the last entry in my very neglected blog and should provide a good base for creating a wizard using a pivot style swipe.
EDIT: I tried to do what you wanted with the pivot but couldn't find a way to stop it looping. The only way that I can think of to achieve this would be to derive a custom control from Pivot. Unfortunately SelectedIndex/SelectedItem are not virtual so you would need to hide them (with the new modifier) and reproduce the logic from the base class.