I have an .mdb
file which is 70MB.
After deleting all records contained in the file, the size remains 70MB.
How do I make my .mdb
The Microsoft Access database engine provides a CompactDatabase method that makes a compact copy of the database file. The database file must be closed before calling CompactDatabase.
Here's a Python script that uses DAO to copy and compact MDB files:
import os.path
import sys
import win32com.client
# Access 97: DAO.DBEngine.35
# Access 2000/2003: DAO.DBEngine.36
# Access 2007: DAO.DBEngine.120
daoEngine = win32com.client.Dispatch('DAO.DBEngine.36')
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Uses Microsoft DAO to copy the database file and compact it.")
print("Usage: %s DB_FILE FILE_TO_WRITE" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
(src_db_path, dest_db_path) = sys.argv[1:]
print('Using database "%s", compacting to "%s"' % (src_db_path, dest_db_path))
daoEngine.CompactDatabase(src_db_path, dest_db_path)