I am using a BlueImp Gallery to add lightboxes to my image gallery. So, when you click on an image thumbnail, it launches a lightbox with a larger version of the image etc.<
You can pass any needed data on a
element, and then display it in the gallery.
I spend a lot of time trying to find an answer, so I'll leave it here.
Here is an example:
document.getElementById('links').onclick = function (event) {
event = event || window.event;
var target = event.target || event.srcElement,
link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
options = {
index: link, event: event,
onslide: function (index, slide) {
self = this;
var initializeAdditional = function (index, data, klass, self) {
var text = self.list[index].getAttribute(data),
node = self.container.find(klass);
if (text) {
initializeAdditional(index, 'data-description', '.description', self);
initializeAdditional(index, 'data-example', '.example', self);
links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
blueimp.Gallery(links, options);
You can use .scss
to refactor it, but it's just for example
.blueimp-gallery > .description, .blueimp-gallery > .example {
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
left: 15px;
color: #fff;
display: none;
.blueimp-gallery-controls > .description, .blueimp-gallery-controls > .example {
display: block;