I want to use the getInstance
method of the Guice Injector
class in Play Framework 2.4, how can I access it?
I have used the Guice Fa
Apart from the other Play 2.5.x solutions, there may be a situation in which you want to get the Injector in an object without using injection. For example when you're using a Scala singleton, for which @inject probably doesn't work.
In that case, you can use this:
class GlobalContext @Inject()(injector: Injector) {
GlobalContext.injector = injector
object GlobalContext {
private var injector: Injector = null
With a Guice module to set the singleton to eager, otherwise it won't be initialized automatically:
// Module.scala
class Module extends AbstractModule {
override def configure() = {
// ...
// Eager initialize Context singleton