Consider the following: An instance of an Objective-C class is referenced by one strong reference and one weak reference (under ARC). On thread X, a method is called on the
ARC actually does retain weak references before calling instance methods on them, and releases after the call.
I was researching this issue and was corrected by a colleague after showing him this stackoverflow question. He pointed to this:
Sure enough, in the assembly, ARC retains and releases around an invocation on a weak reference.
One time you will want to listen to CLANG_WARN_OBJC_RECEIVER_WEAK is for nil checks, when nil could cause an error.
if (self.weakRefToParent) {
//self.weakRefToParent could be dealloced and set to nil at this line
NSString *name = [self.weakRefToParent name]; //CLANG_WARN_OBJC_RECEIVER_WEAK warning
[self.namesArray addObject:name]; //name is nil, NSInvalidArgumentException
This is the safer way:
Parent *strongRefToParent = self.weakRefToParent;
if (strongRefToParent) {
NSString *name = [strongRefToParent name];
[self.namesArray addObject:name];