(I was astonished not to be able to find this question already on stackoverflow, which I can only put down to poor googling on my part, by all means point out the duplicate.
You can use so-called "witness" types to make the compiler do what you want.
public interface Reversible< T > {
public static final class IntReversible implements Reversible< Integer > {}
public static final class StringReversible implements Reversible< String > {}
public static final class MagicReversible implements Reversible< MagicValue > {}
public abstract class Mirror< T, R extends Reversible< T > > {
// ...
public class IntMirror extends Mirror< Integer, IntReversible > {
// ...
However, the reason your example doesn't make any sense is because you gain virtually nothing from using a generic in this context. What possible algorithm will reverse an integer or a string or a MagicValue without resorting to awful run-time type-checking and casting? The code will be all three reverse algorithms, wrapped with a hideous if