This question is regarding getopt function in php. I need to pass two parameter to the php scripts like
php script.php -f filename -t filetype
I implemented a getopt parser for this, support short,long option names, type constraint, option printing.. etc. and this library has been maintained over 6 years.
add( 'f|foo:' , 'option require value' ); # returns spec object.
$options->add( 'b|bar+' , 'option with multiple value' );
$options->add( 'z|zoo?' , 'option with optional value' );
$options->add( 'f|foo:=i' , 'option require value, with integer type' );
$options->add( 'f|foo:=s' , 'option require value, with string type' );
$options->add( 'v|verbose' , 'verbose flag' );
$options->add( 'd|debug' , 'debug flag' );
$parser = new OptionParser;
$result = $parser->parse( array( 'program' , '-f' , 'foo value' , '-v' , '-d' ) );
$result = $parser->parse( $argv );
$spec = $result->verbose;
$spec = $result->debug;
$spec->value; # get value
GetOptionKit\OptionPrinter can print options for you:
* Available options:
-f, --foo option requires a value.
-b, --bar option with multiple value.
-z, --zoo option with optional value.
-v, --verbose verbose message.
-d, --debug debug message.
--long long option name only.
-s short option name only.
Please check examples/demo.php
% php examples/demo.php -f test -b 123 -b 333
* Available options:
-f, --foo option requires a value.
-b, --bar + option with multiple value.
-z, --zoo [] option with optional value.
-v, --verbose verbose message.
-d, --debug debug message.
--long long option name only.
-s short option name only.
Enabled options:
* key:foo spec:-f, --foo desc:option requires a value.
value => test
* key:bar spec:-b, --bar + desc:option with multiple value.
[0] => 123
[1] => 333
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