In Rails 3 there was a rake assets:precompile:nodigest task which was compiling assets and writing them without the digest part in /public/assets directory. In Rails 4 this
As the best answer suggested, I recommend go reading the issue first to fully understand the background story, if you're not in a hurry. I like this idea most,
And below is my personal take, basically I took the code from the answer above. In my case I only have 2 files that I want to be non digested, widget.js and widget.css. So I use sprockets method to find the digested files and then symlink it to public folder.
# config/environments/production.rb
config.assets.precompile += %w[v1/widget.js v1/widget.css]
# lib/tasks/assets.rake
namespace :assets do
desc 'symlink digested widget-xxx.js and widget-xxx.css to widget.js and widget.css'
task symlink_widget: :environment do
next if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
digested_files = []
# e.g. /webapps/myapp/public/assets
assets_path = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', Rails.configuration.assets.prefix)
%w(v1/widget.js v1/widget.css).each do |asset|
# e.g. 'v1/widget-b61b9eaaa5ef0d92bd537213138eb0c9.js'
logical_path = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(asset).digest_path
digested_files << File.join(assets_path, logical_path)
fingerprint_regex = /(-{1}[a-z0-9]{32}*\.{1}){1}/
digested_files.each do |file|
next unless file =~ fingerprint_regex
# remove fingerprint & '/assets' from file path
non_digested = file.gsub(fingerprint_regex, '.')
.gsub(Rails.configuration.assets.prefix, '')
puts "Symlinking #{file} to #{non_digested}"
system "ln -nfs #{file} #{non_digested}"