I want JavaScript code to detect the cursor type.
For example when the cursor hovers in textarea it changes from default to text ..
I have a nice jQuery Extension perfect for this type of thing at this gist:
To use it just do something like:
$("#eleID").cursor(); // will return current cursor state for that element
$("#eleID").cursor("pointer"); // will change ele cursor to whatever is ""
$("#eleID").cursor("clear"); // will change ele cursor to default
$("#eleID").cursor("ishover"); // will return boolean of if mouse is over element or not
$("#eleID").cursor("position"); // will return cursor's current position in "relation" to element
$.cursor("wait") // will change document cursor to whatever is ""
$.cursor($("#eleID"), "wait"); // same as $("#eleID").cursor("wait");
$.cursor("position") // will return current cursor position
should also mention, if you submit multiple elements like $("#eleID1, .elementsWiththisClass")
for "position" and "isHover" then it will return an Array
containing objects like:
var poses = $("#eleID1, .elementsWiththisClass").cursor("position") // will equal
poses[0] = {
ele: e.fn.e.init[1], // the jquery element
x: XXX, // where XXX is the cursors current position in relation to element
y: XXX
poses[1] = { // ...and so on and so forth for each element