I have a view with some tableviews and some collection views and also some buttons and labels.
I\'m not sure if this is new with Xcode 6.1 because I have not worked
From here it looks like a bug in Xcode 6.1.
I created a clean project and the behaviour is the same on my machine:
Resizing one view makes others disappear. Changing a layout constraint from a = to <= or >= also seems to do it.
I've raised a bug with Apple. Suggest you do the same.
workaround: You can install xcode 6.01 and use interface builder from there. You can still compile and run your code using xcode 6.1 if you're relying on xcode 6.1 specific features. (you'll need to rename your xcode.app so you can run both instances. ) It's ugly, but it works.