I\'ve been tweaking my ~/.vim
quite a lot lately, and it seems that I broke something.
I\'m using the CommandT plugin, which when the search is open all
You can list all current mappings by typing :map
inside the command window.
You could also clear all maps using :mapclear
and then map
It could be that you vimrc contains alternate maps depending on the environment. Look for things like has("gui_running")
Finally when running MacVim gvimrc
is sourced vs. vimrc
when running vim in the terminal.
Depending on the differences in both of those, mappings and other features will change.
I noticed, that you are talking about Cmd key in the title, but about Ctrl in your description. The Cmd key does not work in terminal vim.
If you are talking about the Cmd key, consult my answer to a similar question.