How can I disable structure padding in C without using pragma?
If you really want structs without padding: Define replacement datatypes for short, int, long, etc., using structs or classes that are composed only of 8 bit bytes. Then compose your higher level structs using the replacement datatypes.
C++'s operator overloading is very convenient, but you could achieve the same effect in C using structs instead of classes. The below cast and assignment implementations assume the CPU can handle misaligned 32bit integers, but other implementations could accommodate stricter CPUs.
Here is sample code:
class packable_int { public:
int8_t b[4];
operator int32_t () const { return *(int32_t*) b; }
void operator = ( int32_t n ) { *(int32_t*) b = n; }
struct SA {
int8_t c;
int32_t n;
} sa;
struct SB {
int8_t c;
packable_int n;
} sb;
int main () {
printf ( "sizeof sa %d\n", sizeof sa ); // sizeof sa 8
printf ( "sizeof sb %d\n", sizeof sb ); // sizeof sb 5
return 0;