You can prompt a user to allow or deny desktop notifications from the browser by running:
But is
Looking at the documentation on Notification at MDN and WHATWG, there does not seem to be a way to request revocation of permissions. However, you could emulate your own version of the permissions using localStorage to support that missing functionality. Say you have a checkbox that toggles notifications.
You can store your remembered permissions under the notification-permissions
key in local storage, and update the permission state similar to:
function toggleNotificationPermissions(input) {
if (Notification.permissions === 'granted') {
localStorage.setItem('notification-permissions', input.checked ? 'granted' : 'denied');
} else if (Notification.permissions === 'denied') {
localStorage.setItem('notification-permissions', 'denied');
input.checked = false;
} else if (Notification.permissions === 'default') {
Notification.requestPermission(function(choice) {
if (choice === 'granted') {
localStorage.setItem('notification-permissions', input.checked ? 'granted' : 'denied');
} else {
localStorage.setItem('notification-permissions', 'denied');
input.checked = false;
You could retrieve the permissions as:
function getNotificationPermissions() {
if (Notification.permissions === 'granted') {
return localStorage.getItem('notification-permissions');
} else {
return Notification.permissions;
When you want to display a notification, check your permissions:
if (getNotificationPermissions() === 'granted') {
new Notification(/*...*/);