I am using HTML Purifier to protect my application from XSS attacks. Currently I am purifying content from WYSIWYG editors because that is the only place where users are all
No, I wouldn't use HTMLPurifier on username and password during login authentication. In my appllications I use alphanumeric usernames and an input validation filter and display them with htmlspecialchars with ENT_QUOTES. This is very effective and a hell lot faster than HTMLpurifier. I'm yet to see an XSS attack using alphanumeric string. And BTW HTMLPurifier is useless when filtering alphanumeric content anyway so if you force the input string through an alphanumeric filter then there is no point to display it with HTMLpurifier. When it comes to passwords they should never be displayed to anybody in the first place which eliminates the possibility of XSS. And if for some perverse reason you want to display the passwords then you should design your application in such a way that it allows only the owner of the password to be able to see it, otherwise you are screwed big time and XSS is the least of your worry!